Lagos TV channel covers ACRC city workshop

Sep 15, 2022

By Taibat Lawanson, Lagos city lead for ACRC and professor of urban planning at the University of Lagos

On Tuesday 6 September, researchers and stakeholders met to discuss urban challenges in Lagos and offer insights into how to address them.

Collaboratively, the participants discussed evidence from preliminary reports presented by research leads on political settlements, city of systems, and research domains including housing, safety and security, structural transformation as well as neighbourhood and district economic development.

While noting the interconnectedness of the issues discussed, the meeting identified two key areas deserving intense interrogation: the complexities of local nuances as obstacles to effective governance, and the realisation of globally endorsed frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Lagos news broadcasting station Channels Television reported on the workshop discussions – watch the coverage via YouTube.

Read more about the workshop and ACRC’s research in Lagos and Maiduguri via The Guardian Nigeria:


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Header photo credit: peeterv / Getty Images (via Canva Pro). Market streets in Lagos, Nigeria.

Note: This article presents the views of the author featured and does not necessarily represent the views of the African Cities Research Consortium as a whole.

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